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make solid progress中文是什么意思

用"make solid progress"造句"make solid progress"怎么读"make solid progress" in a sentence


  • 迈出坚实的步子


  • The great new undertaking to build the party made solid progress
  • The task of implementing bluetooth functionson the embedded devices is challenging and will open up broad prospects for pervasive computing ^ the research work presented here has made solid progress in this area
  • We continued to make solid progress in the large - scale development of the western region , and the work of rejuvenating northeast china and other old industrial bases proceeded smoothly . we began implementation of the policy to boost the development of the central region
  • Taking environmental protection as its duty and adhering to the principles of striving for perfection , taking the lead in the trade , making self - improvement and creating international famous brand , we will work steadily and make solid progress to develop environmental protection industry
用"make solid progress"造句  
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